Who we are 

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kajaani is one part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in FinlandThe link opens in a new tab, to which more than half of the Finnish population belong.   

What we believe 

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. 
John 3:16 

This Bible text expresses the core of what we believe. In the early centuries of the Church, the Christian faith was expressed in three statements of faith (aka Creeds): the Nicene Creed, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. They explain what we believe about God and the relation between God and his creation. 

How you can participate 

We warmly welcome you to join any of our activities or events!  

Every Sunday 10.00, we have mass in main church (Kirkkokatu 19) and 12.00 in Linnantaus (Kaplastie 2). Masses are held in Finnish.  

International prayer in the parish living room (Linnankatu 12) at 18:00 on the following days in the year 2024 autumn and 2025 spring:








The main door will be closed, but you can ring the doorbell. The living room is immediately to the left of the main door.

We inform all international activities through our WhatsApp community channel.

You can join the WhatsApp community with following link: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kajaani - International work

or QR code:

How you can become a member 

Taking part in our activities and events does not require membership in the church.  

You join the church through baptism. You can learn more what Lutheranism teaches about baptism hereThe link opens in a new tab. Baptism done in a different church doesn’t need to be repeated.  

After age of 15 to join the church, it also required to attend a confirmation class that teaches about Lutheran faith. Confirmation class usually lasts around 6 months. You can learn more about confirmation class from hereThe link opens in a new tab.  

Would you wish to join as a member? 

If you wish to join, you can contact pastor Mikko Haltsonen for more information. 

Ota yhteyttä

Ajanvaraus: 08-61721

Erityisrippikoulutyö, maahanmuuttajatyö Facebook: Diakoniatyöntekijä Teemu Räty

Free Childcare Assistance – Pikku Helppi

Do you need a moment to catch your breath in everyday life, some time for yourself? Pikku Helppi is here to assist when parents are feeling tired and need a break from their daily routine, or when they need childcare to attend, for example, a doctor’s appointment.

Pikku Helppi is low-threshold assistance developed by the parish to meet the needs of families. The service is intended for children below school age, starting from infancy. Pikku Helppi operates on weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00 at the Teppana club room, Erätie 12C. Necessary information about the children and parents’ contact details are recorded and stored in compliance with data protection regulations. The information is deleted once the service is no longer required. The activities are led by the parish's trained childcare workers, who are bound by confidentiality regarding the child's and family's matters.

Pikku Helppi can be arranged either indoors or outdoors, according to the parents' wishes. Activities appropriate for the children's age are organized. The children are covered by the parish's accident insurance. Pikku Helppi does not provide food, so if necessary, parents can bring their own snacks for the children. Proper clothing is also required, especially considering outdoor activities.

The service is free of charge. A family can use the service up to four times per semester. The maximum time for each session is 2 hours, and only one family’s child or children are cared for at a time. To inquire about available times, you can send a text message to Minna Kuntsi at 044 7444 216. We respond on weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00.